Most of the properties I manage are ‘second-homes’ belonging to people who want to earn a bit of money from them while they are not using them. They hand me the keys, tell me which months/weeks are available, and I sort everything out for them. If the properties are empty (ie often over the winter) it is simply a question of making regular visits to check that all is well and to sort out any maintenance issues, summer is a different matter!

- The lady who sent a long email complaining that there was no upright reclining garden chair for her elderly father, and that there were no UK tv channels (despite the fact this had been highlighted on the booking form). Within hours I turned up with one of my own chairs, and a gadget to connect an iPad to the TV and left him happily watching the news. The next day she sent another long email to thank me and apologise for the complaints - she was stressed after a long journey and her mother had died recently so this was her father’s first holiday without her.
- The client (renting an apartment in Perpignan centre) who complained about the colour of the dust that blew in- it was grey but apparently in Texas it is white ….
- The clients who asked if it was OK to bring two small dogs, which turned out to be Dobermans, and left the garden in a bad state. They lost their deposit because of their dogs’ deposits!
- The family who telephoned me to say they had arrived at the villa but the key-safe wasn’t working. (Some villas don’t require a ‘Meet and Greet’ service but they keys are left in a key-safe on the wall outside, they dial in the code I have sent them, retrieve the keys and let themselves in). I went straight over and found absolutely no problem - except that they didn’t realise they had to actually open the box and take keys out rather than just tapping in the code and expecting the gate to automatically open!
- The group renting a 7-bed villa who pretended not to know that check-out time was 10am -and were splashing around in the pool and in no way ready to leave when I turned up with the cleaners. Finally managed to evict them at noon, having started to ‘clean’ around them.
- And last but not least, this one is mainly my fault as I didn’t take proper references - I just believed the story of the young couple, expecting a baby, who needed to rent the town apartment for one month as they had given notice on their current rental and their ‘new-build’ house was delayed. 2 weeks into the rental one of the neighbours in the building contacted me to let me know that there was much ‘activity’ going on in the apartment and that men were ringing the door buzzers at all times of the day and night, asking for ‘les filles’. They had been running the place as a brothel ….! (NB. This is apparently quite common now, even with bookings taken via sites such as AirBNB - so owners beware - you never know where that money comes from!)

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